
Bass Lake Road Community Safety Poll Results

Bass Lake Road Community Safety Poll Results

Results from Bass Lake Action Committee 2024 Bass Lake Road Safety Poll

In October the Bass Lake Action Committee published a poll from our Traffic and Safety Committee, which focused on garnering community feedback about prioritizing potential safety improvements along Bass Lake Road for traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists. To be clear, many obstacles would have to be overcome for any of these potential safety improvements to be approved and funded, but the goal of the poll was to determine what improvements that our Bass Lake Community wanted to prioritize.

Based on the poll results, safety improvements were the top priorities identified by the Bass Lake Community. Community members also identified needed capacity improvements, but focused on traffic and pedestrian safety items.

The number one priority identified by residents was the need for a  Multiuse Pedestrian & Bike Path from Silver Springs Pkwy to Sienna Ridge Rd. Since the Sienna Ridge Road shopping center was completed, there has been no pedestrian pathway or bicycle lane to connect the 1000-plus homes on the east side of Bass Lake. Consequently, pedestrians are left to walk along the edge of Bass Lake Road utilizing the narrow dirt foot path on the outside of the guardrail where the road crosses the Bass Lake overflow. Bicyclists have to try to navigate the edge of Bass Lake Road.

The second highest priority in the poll results was for turn pockets at the entrances of residential villages. The entrances for the Serrano J6 and J7 Villages along Bass Lake Road at Whistling Way and Barbary Way were not required to construct frontage improvements. The Bridlewood Drive entrance for Bridlewood Canyon lacks a turn pocket,  but it also includes a bus turnout that was designed and constructed in the 1980s, and is  essentially nonfunctional for school buses today. The entrance for The Hills of El Dorado Village at Magnolia Hills Drive includes a left turn pocket, but lacks a right turn pocket.

The third place priority for improvements is an expansion of Bass Lake Road to Four Full Lanes from US50 to Serrano Parkway. 

Priority 1 (lowest priority) through 5 (highest priority)

Safety ImprovementPriority 1Priority 2Priority 3Priority 4Priority 5
FULL Bass Lake Rd – US50 interchange improvement53 (26.11%)30 (14.78%)47 (23.15%)23 (11.33%)50 (24.63%)
Change Westbound US50 Bass Lake Rd Off Ramp to Full STOP – remove YIELD106 (52.22%)30 (14.78%)26 (12.81%)16 (7.88%)25 (12.32%)
Four Lane Bass Lake Rd – US50 to Serrano Pkwy62 (30.54%)10 (4.93%)24 (11.82%)29 (14.29%)78 (38.42%)
Four Lane Bass Lake Rd – US50 to Silver Springs Pkwy73 (35.96%)21 (10.34%)31 (15.27%)21 (10.34%)57 (28.08%)
Four Lane Bass Lake Rd – US50 to Green Valley Rd87 (42.86%)27 (13.3%)25 (12.32%)14 (6.9%)50 (24.63%)
Bass lake Rd at Hollow Oak Dr Traffic Signal82 (40.39%)30 (14.78%)58 (28.57%)14 (6.9%)19 (9.36%)
Bass Lake Rd – Bridlewood Dr Stop Sign81 (39.9%)24 (11.82%)25 (12.32%)20 (9.85%)53 (26.11%)
Bass Lake Rd  – Bridlewood Dr Roundabout67 (33%)15 (7.39%)43 (21.18%)28 (13.79%)50 (24.63%)
Sienna Ridge Shopping Center Fuel Station Driveway Right Turn OUT only60 (29.56%)13 (6.4%)49 (24.14%)24 (11.82%)57 (28.08%)
Bass Lake Rd Residential Entrances – Turn Pockets22 (10.84%)18 (8.87%)27 (13.3%)39 (19.21%)97 (47.78%)
Northbound Bass Lake Rd Madera Way right turn lane SIGNS and Road Paint52 (25.62%)24 (11.82%)55 (27.09%)25 (12.32%)47 (23.15%)
Bass Lake Rd Multiuse Pedestrian & Bike Path from Silver Springs Pkwy to Sienna Ridge Rd35 (17.24%)9 (4.43%)26 (12.81%)12 (5.91%)121 (59.61%)
Submit Comments To The Board Of Supervisors For The FINAL Redistricting Hearing

Submit Comments To The Board Of Supervisors For The FINAL Redistricting Hearing

The County has four new draft maps prepared for what should be the final redistricting hearing to determine Supervisor districts for the next ten years. The hearing is scheduled for 1:30PM on Tuesday November 16th.

The maps (with County commentary) can be seen here –

The good news – the Supervisors have heard the voices of the Bass Lake Area

Only thirty written comments were submitted to the Supervisors prior to their last redistricting meeting on November 3rd, and over TWENTY of those thirty written comments were from Bass Lake Residents. The Supervisors heard your concerns and almost all of them agreed that the Bass Lake Villages of Bridlewood Canyon, Woodridge, and The Hills of El Dorado are a community of interest, and should be represented in the same supervisor district.

At the November 3rd hearing, the Supervisors determined that the City Draft Alternative 2 Map and the El Dorado Hills Community Draft Alternative were map options that they wanted to explore, and asked that County staff incorporate our community concerns to come back with the final set of draft alternatives.

Of the four final maps

City Revised 2A – separates our Bass Lake Villages and the Serrano communities on the east and south sides of Bass Lake from the Bass Lake communities on the west side of Bass Lake, putting the east and south sides of Bass Lake into District 2, and keeping the west side in District 1. This is less than optimal for all of our Bass Lake communities, on both sides of Bass Lake. 

City Revised 2B – Keeps our Bass Lake Villages in District 1, but separates the El Dorado Hills Communities south of US50 that have asked to remain in a single district (Four Seasons, Heritage, and Blackstone) into District 1 and District 2. Our El Dorado Hills neighbors south of US50 have supported the Bass Lake Area in our desire to remain in a single suburban district, and we would like to support their desire as a community of interest to remain in a single district.
El Dorado Hills Community Revised A – This alternative keeps our Bass Lake Villages in District one, and supports our El Dorado Hills neighbors south of US50. However, it adds a massive area of rural land north of El Dorado Hills to District 1, and more significantly, moves the District 2 boundary so far east, that it takes the District 4 supervisor, and places her residence into District 2. She’s already announced her re-election campaign for 2022. Political alignments and considerations CANNOT be used as part of the redistricting process – but to be honest, Supervisors are the decision makers in this process in El Dorado County, and in all reality, that would be an automatic no-vote from one supervisor out of five supervisors,  and we need three yes votes to support our choice.

El Dorado Hills Community Revised B This alternative is the one that we believe we should support. It keeps the Bass Lake Villages on the east side of Bass Lake in one district with our neighbors on the west side of Bass Lake, and it keeps us aligned with the majority of El Dorado Hills. It also respects the desire of our El Dorado Hills neighbors south of US50 to remain in a single district. Another benefit is that it keeps our neighbors in Cameron Park in one District – they have been separated and underrepresented in two districts prior to this. This combines 19,000-plus Cameron Park residents and 9,000 El Dorado Hills residents south of US50 to become a block of over 28,000 suburban residents out of 38,000 residents in District 2.

Closeup view of the El Dorado Hills Community Revised B Map

If you feel that you could support the El Dorado Hills Community Revised B draft alternative, could you submit written comments to the Board of Supervisors before the Monday November 15 4PM deadline?

Here is a sample letter of support you could use. Your previous written comments had a positive impact on letting the Board of Supervisors know that the Bass Lake Area is a significant Community of Interest, and moved the needle for our community in the redistricting process.

Email to:  – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

cc the email message to each supervisor:  – District 1 Supervisor  – District 2 Supervisor  – District 3 Supervisor  – District 4 Supervisor  – District 5 Supervisor

Subject: November 16, 2021 Agenda Item 40 – Public Workshop on the 2021 Redistricting Process (Redistricting Public Hearing #5)

Honorable Supervisors,

As residents of the Bass Lake Area in El Dorado Hills, we deeply appreciate your concern and instructions to County staff to keep our Bass Lake Community of Interest intact in a single supervisorial district.

In reviewing the draft alternative maps as proposed, we believe that the best option for representing the interests of our Bass Lake Community, El Dorado Hills, our El Dorado Hills Neighbors’ Community of Interest south of US50, and our suburban neighbors in Cameron Park, is to support the El Dorado Hills Community Revised B Map.

This map keeps our communities aligned, supports suburban communities of interest where no local city representation exists, keeps the Bass Lake Community intact, keeps Cameron Park in a single district, keeps our Serrano neighbors’ community of interest intact, and keeps most specific plans intact in District 1 and District 2.

Out of the four Draft Alternative Maps, we urge you to support  El Dorado Hills Community Revised B Alternative Map. It represents the best available compromise that respects communities of interest in the largest population centers of El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park in El Dorado County.  The El Dorado Hills Community Revised B Alternative Draft Map meets each of the mapping factor priorities, and aligns with the desires of our various Communities of Interest:

  1. Geographic contiguity.
  2. Geographic integrity of neighborhoods and local communities of interest.
  3. Geographic integrity of cities or census-designated places.
  4. Natural and artificial barriers, including streets and boundaries of the county when practicable.
  5. Boundaries should be easily identifiable and understandable by residents, and bounded by natural and artificial barriers.
  6. Geographical compactness.

Thank you for supporting our communities.

Please make sure that you remain respectful in your comments, as supervisors instantly turn off pleas based on emotion. 

Your comments should be submitted BEFORE 4:00PM on Monday November 15!!!

Thank you for your consideration to provide your comments to the Board of Supervisors.

Submit Comments to the Board of Supervisors to keep the Bass Lake Area in one District.

Submit Comments to the Board of Supervisors to keep the Bass Lake Area in one District.

This is an URGENT appeal to Bass Lake Area Residents to provide written comments to the Board of Supervisors by tomorrow, Tuesday November 2 before 4PM.

This is your opportunity to share with the County Supervisors how you believe district boundaries should be drawn to best represent our Bass Lake community.

The final DRAFT alternative redistricting maps are being presented to the Board of Supervisors at a special meeting on Wednesday November 3rd at 9AM. In EACH of the three proposed Draft Alternative Maps the Bass Lake Villages are being split between two districts – the District 1 eastern boundary line is proposed to be the FENCE LINE between Bridlewood Canyon, and Woodridge – meaning that Bridlewood Canyon will remain in District 1, while Woodridge and The Hills of El Dorado will be moved to either District 4 or District 2.

Here is City Alternative 1

Here is City Alternative 2

Here is the Pollock Pines Draft Alternative:

Seeing the exact boundary in these drafts is very difficult – but basically, the boundary is the fence/wall between backyards in Bridlewood Canyon and Woodridge:

These maps were drawn this way because the Serrano Homeowners Association wanted all of their members in a single district – which we support, because they are a Community of interest. But the changes to the Draft Alternatives to accommodate Serrano Homeowners Association’s request also moved Bridlewood Canyon into District 1 with the Serrano Village J7 (where NO RESIDENTS LIVE YET) because they share a property wall. However, no consideration has been given to the separation of Woodridge and The Hills of El Dorado from Bridlewood Canyon, even though as neighbors we have shared a fence line  / wall for twenty years.
The Bass Lake Villages are as much a Community of Interest as any other community in the County – we have the same concerns and issues as neighbors on the eastern side of Bass Lake. We are neighbors –  dividing our neighborhoods divides our voice in Supervisor representation.

There is currently a conceptual Daft Alternative map from a working group of El Dorado Hills residents, which includes members of the Bass Lake Community, Highland Hills Community, the Serrano Homeowners Association, Heritage Homeowners, the Age Restricted Communities along White Rock Road and Latrobe Road, and the El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce – we requested a more natural split of El Dorado Hills north and south using US50 as a natural boundary line, as it does not separate neighborhoods, and provides large representation of El Dorado Hills in two districts (because El Dorado Hills is too large by population to fit in a single district) as the current crop of drafts proposes moving small numbers of El Dorado Hills residents into multiple districts, making our voices weaker.

Since the County seems intent on continuing to divide Cameron Park into multiple districts, our working group’s proposal is to place a significant part of Cameron Park into District 1 along with the areas of El Dorado Hills north of US50, and to move everything in El Dorado Hills south of US50 into District 2.

This will give El Dorado Hills more than 73% representation in District 1, with more than 25% of Cameron Park, and then also provide over 27% of El Dorado Hills residents  to be in District 2 – keeping El Dorado HIlls with a significant population voice in two suburban-oriented districts.  This also results in Cameron Park being over 30% of District 4, giving Cameron Park residents a large voice in two districts.

No official Draft Map for this community alternative is prepared from County Staffers yet.

We have been told that this El Dorado Hills Community Draft Alternative Map could be presented as the fourth draft option to the Board of Supervisors for their Wednesday November 3rd meeting, but there are no guarantees

If you feel that you would support  a draft alternative that keeps our Bass Lake Villages together, could you provide your comments to the Board of Supervisors in an email?

Our primary concern is keeping our Bass Lake neighborhoods in a single district, instead of allowing the County to split us apart based on a fence line.

If you choose to provide comment, here is a form letter that you can use:

Email to:  – Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

cc the email message to each supervisor:  – District 1 Supervisor  – District 2 Supervisor  – District 3 Supervisor  – District 4 Supervisor  – District 5 Supervisor

Subject: October 3, 2021 Agenda Item 1 – Public Workshop on the 2021 Redistricting Process (Redistricting Public Hearing #4)

Honorable Supervisors, As residents of the Bass Lake Area, we ask that you consider keeping our Bass Lake Area neighborhoods whole, and not allow them to be split across multiple districts, as Draft City  Alternative Revised 1, Draft City Alternative Revised 2, and the Draft Pollock Pines Alternative proposes to do.

The Bass Lake Villages on the eastern side of Bass Lake – Bridlewood Canyon, Woodridge, and The Hills of El Dorado – have existed as a Community of Interest for twenty years. We are neighbors, with similar concerns, interests, and needs. Dividing our community based on a fence line, as each of the three proposed draft alternatives seeks to accomplish, will diminish our voice as neighbors. A fence line is an artificial, arbitrary boundary for supervisorial districts.

We are a community of interest in respects to:

  • Our Town – the Bass Lake Villages were included in the borders of 2005 EDH Cityhood Ballot Measure
  • Our proximity as neighbors with similar concerns to our immediate local interconnected roads, public safety, and our natural environment
  • Our properties all exist in the El Dorado Hills CSD boundaries
  • Our properties all exist in the El Dorado Hills Fire Department boundaries
  • Our children all attend the same public elementary and high schools  (Rescue USD and El Dorado High School District)

From your own meeting slides materials, the mapping factors in order of priority are:

  1. Geographic contiguity.
  2. Geographic integrity of neighborhoods and local communities of interest.
  3. Geographic integrity of cities or census-designated places.
  4. Natural and artificial barriers, including streets and boundaries of the county when practicable.
  5. Boundaries should be easily identifiable and understandable by residents, and bounded by natural and artificial barriers.
  6. Geographical compactness.

 Keeping our Bass Lake Villages in a single district accomplishes each and every one of these goals. To do otherwise violates each and every element of the listed priorities.

The Bass Lake Villages are as much a Community of Interest as any other community in the County – as neighbors we have the same concerns and issues as residents of the eastern side of Bass Lake. We are neighbors –  dividing our neighborhoods divides our voice in Supervisor representation.

In the event that the El Dorado Hills Community Draft Alternative map from a working group of El Dorado Hills neighbors is provided as an option prior to your meeting, we would encourage you to utilize this Draft Alternative, as we believe that it is the option to best represent the Bass Lake Area, as well as the best representation for El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park. 

Our priority is to keep our Bass Lake Neighborhoods together in a single district.

Please make sure that you remain respectful in your comments, as supervisors instantly turn off pleas based on emotion. 

Your comments should be submitted BEFORE 4:00PM on Tuesday November 2!!!

Thank you for your consideration to provide your comments to the Board of Supervisors.

Grocery Outlet Green Valley Station PD Revision (PD05-0004) Public Hearing September 27 2021

Grocery Outlet Green Valley Station PD Revision (PD05-0004) Public Hearing September 27 2021

Proposed Grocery Outlet Store on Green Valley Road between Cambridge Rd and Winterhaven Dr

From the Mitigated Negative Declaration Project Description:

A Planned Development Revision, PD-R20-0009, to modify an approved development plan, PD05-0004 Green Valley Station, to allow development of a new 16,061 square foot market, Grocery Outlet, on a 2.0-acre portion of the 5.37-acre parcel. In accordance with the Parking and Loading Standards in the Community Design Standards, the project includes associated improvements for 77 standard parking spaces, four (4) handicapped-accessible parking spaces, lighting, landscaping, recycling/trash enclosures, building signage, and one freestanding monument sign. Access would be from Green Valley Road, a County-maintained roadway. The project includes road improvements to Green Valley Road, with a 6-ft wide meandering sidewalk along part of the northern property
boundary line adjacent to Green Valley Road, and expansion of the existing utilities on-site by extending the public utility lines with 400-ft of sewer force main and 1,400-ft of waterline. Electricity/utilities would be provided by connecting to PG&E. Typical hours of operation are 8:00am-9:00pm 7 days per week, and the number of employees would be 30. There would be mutual access and reciprocal shared parking between both developments for Phase I and a portion of Phase II for the Green Valley Station.

The Project details on the County’s eTRAKiT website

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Mitigated Negative Declaration

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To provide public comment:

PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: The public review period for the Draft MND set forth in CEQA for this project is 20 days, beginning August 27, 2021, and ending September 15, 2021. Any written comments must be received within the public review period. Copies of the Draft MND for this project may be reviewed and/or obtained in the County of El Dorado Planning and Building Department, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667, during normal business hours or online at by typing the first word of the project name in the search box. (To view project documents, you MUST create a FREE eTRAKiT user account)

Please direct your comments to: County of El Dorado, Planning and Building Department, County Planner: Bianca
Dinkler, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville, CA 95667 or EMAIL:

Phase 5 Bass Lake Road Detour September 29th Through September 30th

Phase 5 Bass Lake Road Detour September 29th Through September 30th

Phase 5 of a five phase detour schedule

El Dorado County has issued a press release with details of the fifth, and final, detour of Bass Lake Road for the Country Club Drive-Bass Lake Road realignment and signalization project.

The final detour will begin the morning of Tuesday September 29th, at 6:00AM and is scheduled to continue through Wednesday September 30th.

This detour will allow for the final paving activities on the new segment of Bass Lake Road, and matching the pavement sections to the west bound Bass Lake Road on and off ramps at the US50 Interchange.

Close up view of planned Bass Lake Road PHASE 5 Detour routes – Tierra de Dios Drive to Morrison Road to Hollow Oak Drive. Construction areas in RED are closed, including the US50 west bound on and off ramps.

Bass Lake Road will be closed from US50 north to the new Country Club Drive intersection (shown red on the detour map above). Motorists traveling south on Bass Lake Road will NOT be able to access the US50 interchange. Instead motorists on Bass Lake Road should use Serrano Parkway to Silva Valley Parkway to US50, or use the planned detour route of Hollow Oak Drive to the NEW Morrison Road to Tierra De Dios to Country Club Drive to Cambridge Drive Shown in Yellow on the map above, and below.

Bass Lake Road PHASE 5 Detour Routes – East Bound US50 On and Off Ramps are open to Bass Lake Road and Marble Valley Road traffic SOUTH of US50.

Bass Lake Road will be open to the El Dorado Hills Fire Station 86, as well as to private driveways north of the construction site at the NEW Country Club Drive intersection.

The US50 on and off ramps at the Bass Lake Road Interchange will remain open for motorists traveling on the south side of US 50 along Marble Valley Road.

The Bass Lake Action Committee would remind drivers to exercise caution in the construction areas, as well as at the Bass Lake Road – Hollow Oak Drive intersection, which has very poor sight-lines.

Bass Lake Road Ongoing Closures From Madera Way To 25 MPH Curve September Through December 2020

Bass Lake Road Ongoing Closures From Madera Way To 25 MPH Curve September Through December 2020

El Dorado County issued a Road Work Alert Update today, September 17th, that is dated on August 25, 2020. Expect to encounter temporary lane closures on Bass Lake Road between Madera Way (the Woodridge village entrance) and the 25mph curve on Bass Lake Road (Sandhurst Hill Rd) from September through December.

The El Dorado County Department of Transportation indicated in a message to the Bass Lake Action Committee on August 31st that temporary road closures on Bass Lake Road were possible, but were not expected to be frequent, or of long duration:

Construction will start in full on Tuesday, September 8.  At this point, Granite Construction does not see a need to implement reversing controls on Bass Lake Road on a regular basis during the rest of the 2020 construction season.  Most of the 2020 work will take place off road, north of the 25 mph curve in the woods between the curve and current southerly terminus of Silver Springs.  There will be reversing controls on Bass Lake from time to time, but it won’t be for weeks on end or anything like that.

The Bass Lake Action Committee would also remind motorists to exercise caution when traveling through the construction area, as well as to plan extra time for trips, in the event that construction activities require temporary lane closures.

Additionally – with the construction activities, there has been an observed increase in deer activity along Bass Lake Road near Magnolia Hills Drive – the greenbelt at the entrance to The Hills Of El Dorado village. Multiple deer (- and turkeys!) have been seen in all hours, morning and night, running across Bass Lake Road from the Greenbelt in this area between Tea Rose Drive/Tea Rose Court and Alyssum Circle. With the wildlife increasingly in the middle of Bass Lake Road during these activities we urge drivers to proceed with caution.