Detour available via Silver Springs Parkway & Green Valley Road
El Dorado County has announced the planned closure of Bass Lake Road at the new Silver Springs Parkway intersection just north of Madera Way in El Dorado Hills, beginning April 13, 2021, and will last through mid June 2021.
The closure will be in place between the new Silver Springs Parkway connection at the 25 MPH curve on Bass Lake Rd (Sandhurst Hill Rd) east to Magnolia Hills Drive.
On April 13th, crews from Granite Construction will spend the day paving the the new Silver Springs Parkway connection to Bass Lake Road – when the paving activity is completed on April13th, Silver Springs Parkway will be opened to motorists between Madera Way and Green Valley Road. This is the planned Detour route while Bass Lake Road is closed.
Per El Dorado County Department of Transportation, residents and motorists should expect significant and long delays on Bass Lake Road on April 13th, while the paving work is completed.
While Bass Lake Road is closed from Silver Springs Parkway to Magnolia Hills Drive, construction crews will realign Bass Lake Road and construct an ADA compliant sidewalk and crosswalks on Bass Lake Road at the new intersection. Southbound Bass Lake Road will be constructed with left and right turn lanes – the left lane will be for motorists traveling south on Bass Lake Road towards US50, the right turn lane will allow motorists to continue north onto Silver Springs Parkway, towards Green Valley Road. Northbound Bass Lake Road at the new Silver Springs intersection will feature a straight through lane to continue north on Silver Springs Parkway towards Green Valley Road, as well as a right turn pocket for motorists to continue north on Bass Lake Road towards Magnolia Hills Drive, Woodleigh Lane, Gateway Drive, Lambeth Drive, Parkdale Lane, Foxmore Lane, and Green Valley Road.
Silver Springs Parkway will be a divided two lane roadway, with sidewalks and bicycle lanes.
The new Bass Lake Road-Silver Springs Parkway intersection will be a three-way stop sign controlled intersection.
Changeable Portable Reader Board signage will be in place to advise motorists of changing conditions and delays. Currently the changeable portable reader boards indicate that the closure is expected to be in place from April 13th through June 11th – the completion date is subject to change due to weather delays, and possible utility relocation delays from PG&E and AT&T.