The Bass Lake Action Committee formed the Transportation Safety Committee (TSC) in 2018 to study and review the condition of traffic and pedestrian safety along the Bass Lake Rd corridor – specifically focusing on the south and eastern edges of Bass Lake along Bass Lake Rd where the Bridlewood Canyon, Woodridge and The Hills of El Dorado villages have existed beginning in the late 1980s.
The long promised four-lane expansion of Bass Lake Rd (detailed in the 1989 El Dorado Hills Specific Plan Environmental Impact report as a 2010 divided four lane arterial roadway) seems to be a mythical solution to residents’ traffic concerns: the County of El Dorado Department of Transportation recently concluded in the Serrano Village J7 PD18-0005 staff report that the current conditions on Bass Lake Rd would not require these improvements in the expected lifetime of the Voter Approved El Dorado County General Plan. Further – after ADDING the four-lane expansion of Bass Lake Rd from HWY50 to Serrano Pkwy into the County’s Capital Improvement Plan program (CIP) in 2018, DOT has asked to REMOVE the four-lane expansion of Bass Lake Rd from the County’s CIP recently in 2019.
BLAC members, and area residents, are concerned that capacity and safety improvements, conditioned and required by multiple approved (and already COMPLETED) development projects via the County of El Dorado’s land use authority, will never be realized.
The BLAC TSC submitted the following letter to the Director of the County of El Dorado’s Department of Transportation, as well as all five County Supervisors, the County Auditor Controller, the Director of Planning, the County Planning Commission, the El Dorado Hills Fire Department, and the El Dorado Hills Community Services District.